cryptoxide 0.2.1

pure implementation of various common modern cryptographic algorithms, WASM compatible


Continuous integration MIT or APACHE-2 licensed

A pure Rust implementation of various modern cryptographic algorithms, which has no dependencies and no foreign code (specially C or assembly code). This is compatible with WASM and embedded devices.

This crates package aims to support as many architectures as possible with as little dependencies as possible.

Disclaimer: There are no warranties in use as everything is cryptographically-related

Fork information

This is a fork of Rust-Crypto by DaGenix, to which we owe a debt of gratitude for starting some good quality pure Rust implementations of various cryptographic algorithms.

Notable differences with the original sources:

  • Maintained.
  • Extended ED25519 support for extended secret key (64 bytes) support.
  • Proper implementation of ChaChaPoly1305 (according to spec).
  • Many cryptographic algorithms removed: AES, Blowfish, Fortuna, RC4, RIPEMD160, Whirlpool, MD5, SHA1.

Running benches


cargo +nightly bench --features with-bench

or with all the cpu capability enabled:

RUSTFLAGS="-C target_cpu=native" cargo +nightly bench --features with-bench

supported compiler versions

Rust test

We will always aim to support the current stable version. However, it is likely that an older version of the Rust compiler is also supported.


This project is licensed under either of the following licenses:

Please choose the licence you want to use.